
Jaguar Virtual Windscreen – the ultimate HUD

Jaguar Virtual windscreen
Following on from Land Rover’s innovative “Transparent Hood” concept from earlier this year, Jaguar/Land Rover have unveiled a similar concept which could be integrated into future Jaguar models. Unlike the transparent hood, which is primarily designed to assist in extreme off-road situations, the Jaguar Virtual Windscreen is intended to help drivers on the track to get the most out of their car.
The Jaguar Virtual Windscreen offers the driver an augmented reality view of the world by projecting images onto the windscreen which can provide detailed at-a-glance information about the world around them. It can, for example, provide virtual racing lines onto the windscreen and optimum braking points to guide drivers around a particular race track like a pro. It can also create a ‘ghost car’ visualisation to allow drivers to race against themselves on a previous lap, or against other drivers who have uploaded their laps.

Jaguar Virtual windscreen
In addition to these advanced functions – which have clearly been poached from the gaming industry – the Jaguar Virtual Windscreen would also provide more mundane information, like speed, RPM, gear and timing data like many current HUD systems.
Interestingly, Jaguar say the system is designed to reduce driver distraction. Now I’m not saying it isn’t a clever idea that doesn’t have its uses. But to be fair, I wouldn’t want to share a track with a guy who’s seeing visions of his previous self, while also trying to follow some invisible lines and utilize braking points he hasn’t selected himself.
Getting lost in your own little digital racing world is all fine and good when you’re sat on a sofa. Doing it in the real world while straddling the ragged limit on a track day with others around you is less good.

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